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Thoughts on Kings

In Shakespeare’s play, “Henry IV, Part II,” Act 3, Scene 1, the King, dressed in a nightgown, delivers a monologue. In it, the king asks, “How many thousands of my poorest subjects are at this hour asleep?” Yet, “Nature’s soft nurse,” is not for him. He finishes with often-quoted words,

     “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown,” a reflection back to Damocles’s hanging sword.

     Thomas Paine hated the idea of a king, a monarch. In much of his work, “Common Sense,” Paine ridicules the idea that a king must rule over people. Paine writes,

     “There is something exceedingly ridiculous in the composition of Monarchy; it first excludes a man from the means of information, yet empowers him to act in cases where the highest judgment is required. The state of a king shuts him from the World.”

     Throughout “Common Sense,” Paine calls for independence from England, from Parliament, from King George III, saying, “Let us come to a final separation.”

     Thomas Paine felt thrilled when he saw “Common Sense,” first published on January 10, 1776. Six months later, on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress that brought together representatives from the thirteen colonies approved Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. 

     After the French Revolution, the autocratic general Napoleon claimed the title of king. On December 2, 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I at Notre Dame de Paris.

     During the coronation, he received the crown from the hands of Pope Pius VII and crowned himself, a signal that he rejected the Pontiff’s authority. 

     Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saints, claimed for himself three titles, that of Prophet, Priest, and King, at Nauvoo, Illinois, on April 11, 1844, three months after he announced he was running for President in the November 1844 election. 

     Smith did not win that election, because he was assassinated on June 27, 1844.

     This past week, the nation read the chilling words, “Long live the king,” in reference to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s attempt to end the congestion pricing program in the State of New York, a state policy that has worked ok the past seven weeks to reduce city traffic.

     The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, felt outraged. She said,

     “The state of New York has not labored under a king in 250 years, and we’re not going to start now. The streets of this city were where battles were fought, and we stood up to a king, and we won then. You know New Yorkers. We do not back down, not now, not ever.”

     The governor is correct about the American Revolution’s battles in and around New York City. George Washington was close to defeat on numerous occasions there, but he would escape to fight another day, summoning reserves of strength to defeat the British and King George III. 

     Washington achieved that win in Virginia, his native state, with the French navy’s assistance.

     Thomas Paine asks a question, “Where is the King of America?” To answer, Paine suggests a formal ceremony, where an official would place a written Charter of laws atop a Bible, and “let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know, that in America the law is king.”

     A second quote by William Shakespeare. “Time’s glory is to calm contending kings, to unmask falsehood, and bring truth to light.” The Bard is saying that over time the world’s grasping kings will experience a humbling, that truth will appear, and it will banish falsehood.

     The paradox is that “life often presents a confused picture of events, and it is difficult to discern truth from falsehood.” It is to the historians that we look for clarity between the two.       

       Common sense tells us much. Shakespeare tells us much more.

Huckleberry Finn

On February 15, 1885, 140 years ago next week, Mark Twain’s best work of fiction, “Huckleberry Finn,” was first published in the United States.

     Critics berated the book. In Concord, Massachusetts, commissioners recommended that the town’s library ban the book. They described the novel as “racist, coarse, trashy, inelegant, irreligious, obsolete, inaccurate, and mindless.” Yes, it is all those things. It is all too-human.

     Huck and a runaway slave named Jim are together on a raft sailing down the Mississippi River. By keeping Jim hidden away from the authorities, Huck knows he is breaking the law.

     Yet, Huck likes Jim, who ran away because Jim’s owner, Miss Watson, intended to sell Jim to a slave trader for $800 and send him alone down the river to New Orleans.

     Jim was a grown man with wife and two children, Elizabeth and Johnny. 

     Huck was fourteen years old, without a comforting mother. His dad, Pap, was an abusive alcoholic who beat Huck, who said, “But by and by Pap got too handy with his hick’ry. stick, and I couldn’t stand it. I was all over welts.” 

     On occasion, on the raft, Huck awakens and hears Jim muttering sad words.

     Huck explained, “When I waked up, just at daybreak, Jim was setting there with his head down betwixt his knees, moaning and mourning to himself. I knowed what it was about. He was thinking about his wife and his children, away up yonder, and he was low and homesick.

     “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n. It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it’s so. 

     “He was often moaning and mourning that way, nights, when he judged I was asleep, and saying, ‘Po’ little ‘Lizabeth! ‘po’ little Johnny! it’s mighty hard; I spec’ I ain’t ever gwyne to see you no mo’, no mo’!”

     In pre-Civil War years, slaves had no rights. They were property, expected to work for free, without wages. Daily the men and women suffered enormous injustices, physical and emotional abuses, and yet they tried to adjust. They married, they had children, and most survived. 

     Slaves had Sunday’s off and Christmas Day. I suspect that given the unrelenting work expected, there were only fleeting tender thoughts between husband and wife on Valentine’s Day.

     Indeed, “it’s mighty hard,” when written laws kept the labor force in chains, turned into slaves who were worked to death, to an early grave, and subject to the whims of a rich white man.

     Abraham Lincoln’s birthday approaches. He was born February 12, 1809, 2016 years ago. It was Lincoln, who, in the midst of a bloody civil war, set the slaves free, by Proclamation.

     On February 12, 1909, the date of Lincoln’s 100th birthday, a group of African-American leaders, headed by W. E. B. DuBois, and certain white progressives joined together to form the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Its mission: 

   “To promote equality of rights and eradicate caste or race prejudice among citizens of the U.S.” 

     Late in 2024, officials at “New York Times Book Review” voted Percival Everett’s new book, “James,” one of the five best fictions books last year. Everett, an English professor in California, dared to re-write “Huckleberry Finn” to focus upon Jim, rather than upon Huckleberry.

     In one sobering scene, Everett places Jim, or James, in a cabin where he teaches six black children, including his own Elizabeth and Johnny, how to talk when among white people. 

     “Don’t make eye contact,” a boy said. “Never speak first,” a girl said. “Never address any subject directly when talking to another slave,” a tactic called, “Signifying.” Lizzie, or Elizabeth, said, “We must let the whites be the ones who name trouble.” 

     In 2024, I listened to the audio version of “James.” I found Percival Everett’s book nearly as entertaining as Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn.” Certain scenes, like the above, stand out. 

     My favorite of Huck Finn’s quotes, “Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and a body ain’t got no business doing wrong when he ain’t ignorant and knows better.” Tell ‘em, Huckleberry.

Mary Beard’s “Emperor of Rome”

What did it mean to be an emperor in ancient Rome? 

     That is the question that Mary Beard sought to answer in her 2023 book, “Emperor of Rome.” She wrote, “Everyone then, including emperors, was trying to construe their idea of what an emperor should be in a nation that could not and would not accept kingship.”

     Centuries before in Rome, a series of kings had ruled, but in 509 B.C.E., certain noblemen threw out their last king of Rome, Tarquin the Proud, and established a new government, with two consuls who served for one-year terms, plus a Senate, and popular assemblies. 

     For five centuries, Rome existed as a Republic. Mary Beard called it “a sort-of democracy.”

     The Republic began to transition itself into an autocracy once Julius Caesar, a military leader, crossed the Rubicon River on January 10, 49 B.C.E., and launched a civil war against Pompey. 

     At that time, the Senate named Julius Caesar “dictator,” and after he defeated Pompey, he “used his victory in the civil war to take sole control of Rome’s government.” The Republic was destined to expire soon. In 44 B.C.E., the Senate named him “dictator forever.”

     Some were shocked at Caesar’s clutch of power. Cicero—a statesmen, orator, and writer—pointed out “the danger of absolute autocracy.” The people, he wrote, “were surrendering their Republican liberties in the hope of enjoying the wise rule of one man.”

     “At all costs,” he told the people, “they should fight against political servitude, for it was a form of slavery.” “Liberty could not exist unless the people held supreme power in government.”

     Some Senators who feared Caesar’s one-man rule—Brutus, Cassius, and Casca—assassinated Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 B.C.E., the year Caesar was named “dictator forever.”

     Another civil war followed. It was Julius Caesar’s great nephew, Octavian, who won that civil war against Marc Antony, in 29 B.C.E., and thereafter Octavian claimed the title of emperor and the name Caesar Augustus. Elections were held for a while, but results were foreordained.

     Julius Caesar’s assassins had failed to solidify Rome’s Republic and prevent an autocracy.  

     In Mary Beard’s book, she examines twenty-nine of ancient Rome’s emperors beginning with Julius Caesar and ending with Alexander Severus, who ruled from 222 until 235 C.E.

     On her book’s second page, she states her theme, “The Roman world was, in our terms, a cruel place of premature death. Murder was the ultimate way of resolving disputes, political and otherwise. The corridors of power were always bloodstained.” 

     After the first chapter, “One-Man Rule: The Basics,” Mary begins her second chapter, “Who’s Next? The Art of Succession,” with chilling words, 

     “Succession planning was the single, most glaring weak spot of the Augustan system. Who should follow Augustus? How should any successor to the Roman throne be chosen, by whom, on what principles, and from what group of candidates?

     “After Augustus’s death, over the next two hundred years or so, and over the next two dozen emperors, the transition of power was almost always debated, fraught and sometimes killed for.”

     Mary explains that in 54 C.E. emperor Claudius’s fourth wife, Agrippina, served her husband a dish of poisoned mushrooms, clearing the way for her son, Nero, to claim the title of emperor.

     And Nero was a vicious tyrant. It was said “he fiddled while Rome burned.”

     In a later chapter entitled, “I Think I Am Becoming a God,” Mary Beard discusses how the emperors transformed themselves into gods, persons they believed worthy of worship.

     Our month of July originates from Julius Caesar and August from Caesar Augustus. January though is taken from the two-faced god Janus, whose left face looks into the past, pleasing historians, and its second face looks right, into a future, thrilling science fiction readers.

     You and I have started a new year, 2025. Study the past to determine next steps, what ideas and actions work and those that do not. “The years teach us things that the days never knew.” 

Quotes on the Ancient Romans

Recognizable quotes on the ancient Romans: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” “All roads lead to Rome.” “Rome was not built in a day.” Caesar Augustus boasted, “I found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble.”     

     The poet Virgil observed, “So vast a toil it was to found the State of Rome.”

     In ancient times, the city of Rome astonished everyone. The Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Circus Maximus, the Forum, the Temple of Vespasian, the Palace of the Caesars on the Palatine, the tens of thousands of statues. All these and countless more amazed the ancient world. 

     A 20th-century historian, Frank Richard Cowell, wrote, “The vast metropolis of Rome from the first century A.D. onwards was more splendid than anything that had been seen on earth before or has since been seen. Building and rebuilding always went on.”

     Mary Beard, a 21st-century British historian, published in 2015 a book on ancient Rome that she entitled “SPQR,” meaning “The Senate and People of Rome.” 

     Of the city of Rome, she wrote, “a sprawling imperial metropolis of more than a million inhabitants,” and “a mixture of luxury and filth, liberty and exploitation, civic pride, and murderous civil war.”

     The Roman Republic swallowed much of Europe, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. The Empire then ruled the conquered lands and people by two axioms: keep the peace and pay taxes. 

     Otherwise, a conquered people could live as before. They kept their language, their laws, their religion, their coins, and their customs, but they had to keep the peace and pay taxes to Rome.

     “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.”

     Should a conquered people rebel or refuse to pay taxes, Roman armies would appear in an instant and slaughter, or decimate, the people in a most shocking and brutal manner.

     Yet, allegiance to Rome ensured that a conquered people received a multitude of benefits.

     In 1979, an English comedy acting group, known as Monty Python, produced a film entitled, “Life of Brian.” The film tells of Brian Cohen, a young man living in Judea in the first century.

     In one scene, a gang of thugs are planning an assassination upon a Roman official, Pontius Pilate, when the gang’s leader asks his fellow thugs, “What have the Romans ever given to us?”  

     In the movie’s scene, the thugs think about all of Rome’s gifts to them, and they answer: “the aqueduct, sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, public health.”

     The gang’s leader, played by John Cleese, then asks, “All right, apart from sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, fresh water, public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?” One thug answers, “brought peace.”

     Indeed, Pax Romana or Roman Peace lasted for 200 years, from 27 BC, with the reign of Caesar Augustus, until180 AD, with the Stoic emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Over those 200 years, the Roman empire was for the most part free of conflict, battles, and civil wars. 

     “Unprecedented economic prosperity” spread throughout the Empire during Pax Romana.

     An 18th-century British historian named Edward Gibbon wrote a massive three-volume work between 1776 to 1788, entitled “The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire.” 

      In Gibbon’s first sentence, he wrote, “In the second century of the Christian era, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind.”

     A lad who grew up in 16th-century England named William Shakespeare loved the stories of the ancient Romans. Hence, he wrote two plays, “Julius Caesar,” and “Antony and Cleopatra.”

     A favorite quote of mine from Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar.” Prior to a battle on the plains of Phillipi, Brutus wonders aloud, “O that a man might know the end of this day’s business ere it come! But it sufficeth that the day will end, And then the end is known.”

     Next time in these pages: more on Mary Beard and her 2023 book, “Emperor of Rome.” 

Mother Nature

 Jane Goodall turned 90 years old last April. In the late 1950’s, Jane—then an English girl in her twenties—dared to travel to Africa. There she met the renowned anthropologist, Louis Leaky, who suggested she study chimpanzees at Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania.

     Jane arrived at Gombe on July 14, 1960, with her mother, who acted as Jane’s chaperone.

     On December 22, 1965, a Wednesday, “National Geographic” ran a televised documentary on Jane’s work over the previous five years, entitled, “Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees.”

     I watched that special on my grandparents’ black and white television.

     Jane began, “Louis Leakey sent me to Gombe because he believed an understanding of chimpanzees would help him better guess how our stone-age ancestors may have behaved.”

     In an instant, Jane was world-famous. She said, “It was because chimps are so eye-catching, so like us, that my work was recognized world wide.”

     Days ago, I happened to re-watch a “60 Minutes” segment from April 9, 2006, on Daphne Sheldrick’s orphanage near Nairobi in Kenya, an orphanage for elephants. Poachers kill the parents for their ivory tusks, and leave the young alone, defenseless, grieving for their loss.

     Daphne, now deceased, rescued them, fed them, and taught them how to survive in the wild. 

     Bob Simon, of CBS, asked Daphne, “What is the most extraordinary thing she has learned about elephants?”

     She answered, “Their tremendous capacity for caring is I think perhaps the most amazing thing about them.  Even at a very young age. Their sort of forgiveness, unselfishness. They have all the best attributes of us humans and not very many of the bad.”

     “Indeed,” she says, “A loss of a parent can cause a baby elephant to grieve to death.”

     Cephalopods are marine animals, and within this class of mollusks, one will find squid, octopus, cuttlefish, and nautilus. Scientist have discovered that a typical octopus displays advanced intelligence, the highest among the invertebrates. 

     For example, Inky, a former resident of New Zealand’s aquarium, escaped to freedom by slipping through a gap at the top of its tank, and then squeezing through a small drain pipe that led to the wider ocean. Workers followed a trail left by Inky’s suction marks.     

     Joshua Hawkins, in last week’s edition of BGR, Boy Genius Report, reveals that astronomers at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany, have “discovered cosmic tunnels that connect our solar system to the star constellation Centaurus.”

     “Using the eRosita x-ray instrument, researchers believe that the tunnel appears to move through the material that makes up the Local Hot Bubble, a feature of our solar system.”

     In Ralph Waldo’s first book, “Nature,” published in 1836, he too mentions stars.

     “But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and what he touches. The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible.”

     Emerson also mentions the woods. “In the woods, we return to reason and faith. To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society.” 

     He concludes, “To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature.” 

     Henry David Thoreau, Emerson’s protege, said in his book, “Walden,” first published in 1854,   

     “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” The woods called for Thoreau, and he answered.

     Chimpanzees, elephants, octopi, cosmic tunnels, stars, the woods. Pick one. All of nature calls out, “Look at us!” A challenge. A resolution. Do we dare to devote 30 minutes per day over the next 365 days, 8760 hours, of 2025, to learning even a small slice of our natural world?

     Mother Nature rewards those who pay attention to her.  

Fire at Notre Dame

The fire began at 6:30 p.m., Paris local time, on Monday, April 15, 2019. An hour later, people, who watched from a distance, stared in horror as the top portion of the 300 foot spire broke off and crashed down through the cathedral’s roof.

     Some 400 firefighters, working from the inside, extinguished the last of the flames by 3:40 a.m., on Tuesday, by pointing low-pressure water hoses at the flames, to minimize damage to the contents, pulling thousands of gallons of water from the Seine River via a pump boat.

     At the same time, some 100 policemen and municipal workers formed a human chain and passed objects from inside to outside, in a valiant effort to preserve them.

     The next morning authorities assessed the damage. The wooden-beamed lattice work inside the attic that ran the length of the cathedral was destroyed, but the twin bell towers at the west end stood intact, as did the organ’s 8,000 pipes, and the rose-tinted stained glass windows.

     On Wednesday, April 17, President Emmanuel Macron promised the French people that the state would rebuild the cathedral in five years.

     The first steps were to clear out the charred beams and the scorched limestones, secure the interior from the elements by a massive tarpaulin stretched over scaffolding, and work to ensure that the 28 flying buttresses that supported the exterior walls would stand and not collapse.

     Once workers completed the clean-up, officials split the reconstruction work into 140 lots and requested bids. They selected some 250 businesses.

     About 2000 oaks trees from across France were selected, cut down, dried, and transported to sawmills, where carpenters began to cut, hew, and assemble them into rafters for the attic.

     Blacksmiths forged certain tools that the carpenters were required to use—two-man crosscut saws, broadaxes, etc.—the same tools that medieval workers used on the original attic.

     Some 45,000 cubic feet of stone was transported to the site to rebuild the collapsed vaults.    

     On December 7, 2024, President Macron opened the doors of the re-created cathedral.

     It is a miracle that the work was finished in five and a half years, just days before Christmas. 

     Builders began work on Notre Dame in 1163 A.D., and the work lasted for at least 180 years. 

     In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself emperor of France inside Notre Dame. 

     In the 19th century, the French writer, Victor Hugo, built his fictional tale, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” around Quasimodo, a bell-ringer in the towers. 

     In 1944, Notre Dame hosted Charles de Gaulle for France’s liberation from the Nazi’s.

     There are those who insist upon a stupendous worship venue, like Notre Dame, massive, elaborate, and awe-inspiring. Others, including the 17th-century Puritans, argued for simplicity, and a reserved sanctuary, without stained-glass windows, statues, paintings, vestments, etc. 

     The Friends, aka the Quakers, are more extreme. They insist upon a barren meeting house, with wooden benches, no focal points, like altars or pulpits. “Their meeting houses often resemble local residential buildings and avoid ornamentation, spires, and steeples.”

     Which kind of worship venue is correct? The answer depends upon a person’s preference. I like a pipe organ, a piano, a choir, an altar, a pulpit, and stained glass windows. Others may not.

     Yet, one can argue for simplicity by reading Luke 2.

     Shepherds at night on a rocky hillside, an angel, a heavenly choir sings, “Glory to God in the highest. Peace on earth. Goodwill to all men.” The shepherds find the child in Bethlehem lying in a manger, or a feed trough. Sheep, shepherds, a stable, a manger, not a refined venue.

     One can argue for the opposite by reading Matthew 2. That writer mentions three Magi from the East bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, three of life’s finer things. 

     Whichever venue you prefer, with ornamentation or without, embellished or stark, enjoy the Christmas season. Peace to my readers.